Monday, June 9, 2014

A Hippity Hoppity Holiday!!

 My mom loves holidays and always made them so fun and special for us! I hope I can do the same for my children!
Easter this year was on April 20th! I love putting up the decorations, because the kids act like it's Christmas as they pull one item after another out of the box! I love their excitement and enthusiasm! Cayden loved playing with the plastic eggs--he was constantly throwing them like basketballs, playing with them, filling up baskets with them, and dumping them out of baskets! They were quite entertaining for him!

We went to grandma Sheri's to dye our eggs--so fun and messy:)
Kinzie thought these wrap-arounds were so magical!
I love this idea of using a wire whisk--makes it so much easier for little kiddos!
guess she thought it reminded her of a bubble wand?!?!?
This kid cracks me up! He loves to throw everything as if it's a ball....including hard boiled easter eggs! I was trying to get a picture of him holding a colored egg but he'd throw it as soon as I handed it to him...and then he'd giggle and smile so big! He was so proud of himself! hehe (I know it's blurry, but see the green blob? that's his green egg...)
Cayden surprised me this year. I thought he'd be too young for this and uninterested, but he thoroughly enjoyed coloring on the eggs with crayons and dumping them into dye!
His favorite was pumping that whisk/egg up and down in the dye...consequently splashing dye everywhere! At least he had fun doing it....
Kinzie's favorite egg that she dyed!
Kinzie sneaking some candy!
Ready or not, here he comes....
My cousin (Clara) who is Kinzie's age--they are good buddies and we wish they lived closer!
The day before Easter we had our annual Stewart Family Easter Dinner and Egg Hunt at my mom's house! Kinz was quite the pro at finding eggs this year:)

Quite the loot...I think they each got to find 22 eggs and 1 bottle of bubbles!
I told you he loves eggs....
Emptied out her eggs--she was in candy heaven!

This year the Easter Bunny hid Kinzie's didn't taker her too long to find it hidden under our bar behind her chair ;)
Cute Story: Before Easter, when we'd see or talk about Frozen, I would say, "I hope the Easter Bunny brings me that fun movie!"  Well, on Easter morning, Kinzie pulled it out of her basket and excitedly exclaimed, "Mommy, look, the E.B. gave me this movie that you wanted so I can give it to you!" Such a sweetheart! I told her "Thanks, but I think we should share it!" She was satisfied with that:)

Cayden got some letter blocks, a light up ball, pj's, juice, little puffs, and crackers! His favorite were the little pouches of crackers/cookies--he would reach around everything else in his basket to find those and pull them out! It was really all he cared about.
Kinzie's Easter Dress!
Cayden's Easter Suit!

We had a great Easter program at church and just kinda took it easy the rest of the day! The kids had fun with their new goodies from their baskets!

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