Thursday, December 15, 2011

First Tooth

A couple months ago, Kinzie's first tooth FINALLY popped through the gums. In this picture, you can see the tooth on the right, and then just to the left of it is a white spot--another tooth trying to come up. Today that tooth finally came through the gums. So now she has 2 bottom teeth and one on the top that's on the way!

You can't really see the tooth in this pic, but I just thought she was cute:)
A toothy smile:)

Richard's mom and sister came up a couple weekends ago and brought our Christmas presents. They insisted we open them early (the presents were christmas decorations and they wanted us to be able to display them this year)!

Kinzie got these fun Reindeer slippers and a large stuffed animal..among other things! The slippers have jingle bells on them and she loves to make noise with them!

We are very blessed! Thanks Arlene for the yummy treats and fun presents!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I was so glad to receive your Christmas card today and find out that you have a blog too!! I will love to look at all your cute pictures and read about what you guys are up to! Merry Christmas!!!
