Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Early Ultrasound!

Here's our little baby at 9 weeks! It's head is on the right and it's rump is on the left, and you can see the legs are just beginning to form! It's just a little over an inch long and heartbeat=171. We even got to see the little dude or dudette move (the tech said it looked like it was arching it's back)! Super Cool!!
Sorry it's a little blurry. It's a picture of a picture.


  1. Wow! Look at how tiny it is! Its so amazing how we form from something so tiny and we have all the parts we need when we are bigger! Such miracles!

  2. How exciting, your Mom is over the moon, she was so cute when she told me the news. Love the way you told your families, congratulations! Your going to be a great Mommy!
