Thursday, March 7, 2013

A dog-gone fun birthday!

On Feb. 9, 2013, Kinzie turned T-W-O!! I still can't believe it...except for when she throws her tantrums...then I know she's definitely 2...haha!
The Happy Birthday Girl:)
Anxious to open her presents!

Daddy gave her a Dora and an Einsteins dvd!
 When I asked her what kind of a party she wanted, she said "doggie!" So that's what we did!
The Invitation!
We made Doggie and Bone sugar cookies!

My mom made this cake! thanks mom!
Kinzie's Doggie Cake!
They had some really cute black and white spotted balloons (reminded me of dalmatians) at Party Palace I was going to get, but when we went to get them, they were closed. Apparently they close early on we know. HA. So we had to improvise with these:)
What would a DOGGIE party be without some hot DOGS??  
So we served hot dogs, chili, chips, and applesauce!
 She is loved by many and was very spoiled! She got clothes, a puzzle, hair bows, books, Dora tent, camping toy, Minnie Mouse camera, sticker books, play-doh ice cream kit, art supplies, high chair/swing & milk/juice bottles for her baby, stuffed animals, a Minnie Mouse sofa chair, hats, stickers, and more!

 Happy Birthday Dear Kinzie...Happy Birthday To You!!
I love how it looks like she's having a stare-down with the puppy!
Blowing out the candles!
I love this...Daddy getting Birthday Girl Snuggles:)
Thanks to everyone who braved the bad weather and came to help celebrate her special day!!