Monday, May 14, 2012

Branding 2012

We headed out to Arbon to my parent's farm on April 21st to help brand cows. Kinzie loves cows (until they get too close and beller too loud) and loves to say 'moooo'--it's sooo cute! I was excited to watch Kinzie interact with the baby cows while they were separated from their moms, but she was napping during the time the calves were available to play. bummer. Nonetheless, we still got some fun pics when she was awake!

Poor Baby Cow:(

Mommy cows on the other side of the gate calling for their babies...they don't like to be separated. I don't blame them--I too would be sad if someone took my baby away to burn her:)

My brother Challis! he got the fun job of pushing the calves through the chute!

My brother Tyce! Looks excited...doesn't he?!?!?!!?!?

My brother Skylar gave the calves a growth implant in their's kinda like a shot...I think. Not sure if it's painful.

Ahhh, look how concerned they are for their buddy. Either that or they're about to gang up on him! HA HA

This was my brother-n-law's job, but he had to leave early, so Tyce took over!

Sometimes the calves are too big or too wiggly so someone has to stand on top to help hold them down!

yay she woke up! She thought she was pretty cool hanging on to and looking through the gate! funny girl:)

I absolutely LOVE this girl! And isn't this such a cute pic!?!?!?!? She's just lovin' life!

 Afterward, we all enjoyed a delicious meal of beef stroganoff, rolls, salads, and ice cream bars!

1 comment:

  1. your little girl is SO cute!! that last picture is darling!!
