Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cayden's monthly photos! (6-9)

So I was pretty good about taking these every month, but not very good about blogging them every month...so I'm playing catch-up!

6 months old!
Height: 27 inches (75%)
Weight: 14 lbs, 5 oz. (6%)
Head: 16 inches (0%)

7 months old!
-has 6 teeth! 2 on bottom and 4 on top.
He still likes to be swaddled at night. (odd, I know). When he's not swaddled, his newest favorite sleeping position is on his tummy.
-He loves his veggies but is not a huge fan of fruit.
He likes to roll around everywhere and grab everything in sight! He is almost crawling....he gets on all fours and rocks back and forth--but then gives up and collapses!!
Already practicing his touchdown moves!

8 months old!
-Has been crawling since the end of November (7 1/2 months) and has started pulling himself up.
-Just under 16 lbs and about 27.5 inches long!
Loves his Big Sis! They are so cute when they play and laugh together! He loves to chase her. They both just giggle and squeal. so cute:)

-He loves to eat crackers, bread, mashed potatoes, squash, and sweet potatoes.
"helping" mommy wrap presents!

9 months old!
Weight: 15 lbs, 15 oz (1%)
Height: 28 3/4 inches (70%)
Head: 17 inches (5%)

-Has 7, almost 8 teeth.
-loves mac & cheese and soup.
-Waves bye bye!
-crawls the normal way (on hands and knees) and the stinkbug way (on hands and feet with bum in air--so cute)!
-Climbs stairs. pulls himself up. walks along the couch. keeps mommy on her toes!!
This kid loves to eat. He already out-eats Kinzie almost every meal!

A couple days after he hit 9 months, he weaned himself from breastfeeding. Richard was gone out of town for the week for work, and I wonder if that maybe had something to do with it. But on a Wed night, I fed him before bed just like always. He woke up during the night, but didn't want to eat like he usually does. He went back to sleep just fine, so I figured he just wasn't hungry or was too tired. I didn't mind! But then morning came, and again he wouldn't eat. I thought (hoped) maybe he was on a 24-hour strike like Kinzie had done a time or two. I kept offering, and he kept refusing. In fact, he would cry and scream and wriggle if I even tried putting him on my lap or in the feeding position. It made me cry. I wasn't ready to be done...I hadn't prepared myself mentally or emotionally to be done. 
I began pumping. He never had/would drink from a bottle, but we had recently started giving him water and such in a sippy, so that's what I had to feed him pumped milk in. It was a struggle, cuz he still hadn't mastered it real well. After a couple days, he would let me put him in the feeding position and he would play around for a bit, but never actually suck. He acted almost like it hurt him or he was scared to latch on and suck. For weeks and weeks, I kept offering and trying every tip I could find, and he kept refusing. He was done for good. He mastered the sippy pretty quick thankfully. Luckily, I had some pumped milk stored/frozen from when he was younger, which was good because my milk supply was shorting out. Once he got close to 11 months, we had to start supplementing a little bit with formula til he turned 1. 
Glad that obstacle is behind us now. It was stressful, heartbreaking, and upsetting. Like I mentioned before...I just wasn't prepared for it. But I survived, and so did he! I'm grateful that I got to breastfeed him for as long as I did and that he didn't wean himself sooner. I'm grateful that he's healthy and growing! I'm grateful that he's mine! I love him!

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