Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Girls Camp 2011

Girls Camp was at Camp Cumorah this year. I only went up to camp for 1 day and took Kinzie with me! We had a blast--and Kinzie thinks she's "just one of the girls"!!

For the service project, all the girls made card kits to deliver to people (like the elderly) in their wards! Here are our girls cutting away:)

Here are the finished card kits--they turned out sooo cute!
I thought this was such a cute idea: they had evelopes hanging up for every girl from every ward, and the girls could write notes to each other and stick them in the envelopes!

For our devotional, our girls practiced sooo hard and for many hours!! They performed the HAKA from the movie Forever Strong. They did such a fantastic job:)

They also sang a song as part of their devotional.

(Each ward made/decorated a surf board, which is in the background--they turned out really cute)

And at the end of the day....she was tuckered out!!!

I love being in the Young Women's Program and interacting with the Youth--I learn so much from them and enjoy their personalities! It was super fun to get to spend time at camp with the girls and get to know them better--Girls Camp always brings out your true self! HA.

1 comment:

  1. You are a fantastic youth leader. I feel blessed to work with you and little Kinzie!
